Studio Journal for 2012 Album

day 1, we start

day 2 , we the epic proportions and i, survive another grueling day under the microscope by the skin of my butterknife wit, and come out with shiny gold nuggets that have the faint but indelible stench of cat piss

day 3, we soldier forward, completely forgetting what we set out to do in the first place, fuelled only by a thick black tar-like substance, which we thought was coffee but turned out to be the residue of decomposing angels. I don’t think we will get out alive, and if we do, it will never ever be the same.

*oops , it actually was just strong coffee, i looked at the label again, everything is fine, sorry for the false alarm

day 4- smell that? thats the smug scent of a sense of accomplishment.

well i guess that wraps up my highly detailed recording studio journal, hope you derived some illuminating insight into the creative process from it, and if you didn’t, its better that way , cause the more you know, the less room for magic . in the immortal words of keith richards williams,”party on” ( the famous burlesque photographer)

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